Viktors Svikis
What is particularly striking about Svikis’ work is that his style – compared to that of other contemporary artists – is not or hardly ever fractured by theoretical or conceptual approaches. He is most interested in his material: charcoal, paper, canvas, oil paints but also the strength, power and – at times – violence that influence everyday life and its extremity seem to be his central thoughts.
Read moreHe does not judge but instead intends to use his work to analyze people’s motivation and the world they are faced with. He does not only use different materials in order to achieve his goals but also applies these materials in different ways. From a perspective regarding their technical realisation, his drawings are to be placed between Goya and graffiti, his oil paintings between plastic physicality and bold displays. All levels of the painting seem to interact in order to create a new form of multidimensionality which seems to let his works flow in constant movement both on a contextual and on a formal level.