Laura Fitzgerald
Laura Fitzgerald is an emerging visual artist from a small mountain farm in Co. Kerry, working across drawing, painting, text & video. Her work centres around ideas of place, ancestral memory, narrative structures and ownership. Laura Fitzgerald’s work is trying to be useful. And while she is worried that making art is – in fact – useless, she seeks solace in the notion it can be so radically useless that it can resist the profit-driven impetus of modern life. In a sense the work is sincerely absurdist in its own endeavours. While looking at ideas relating to the neoliberal turn, she concentrates on using humour as a tool; an antidepressant and a coping strategy to everyday lived experience.
Website of Laura Fitzgerald
Read moreThrough a humorous lens she points to problematic and absurd aspects within complex political and personal situations. Her work reveals both the difficulty of proposing a solution and is yet interested and driven by a multiplicity of options or proposals for new imaginative states. Fitzgerald is curious about the similarities drawn through the act of portraiture, whether of landscape or of a person, and how these attempts at portraiture often penetrate the inner world of oneself, the artist.