Veronika Merklein
The in 1982 born German artist Veronika Merklein lives and works mainly in Vienna (AT). As an artist she works within different media (performance, food, text, photography, object, installation, community work) with the focus on Performance Art. Her art orbits around performance immanent topics, pop-cultural phenomenens as well as “the pure an brutal (inner)life of human beings”. Starting off with her own body she investigates body- and food politics in her latest body of work.
Read moreVeronika Merklein’s artistic gaze focuses on social injustices in (Western) societies, the silent pain and soundless scratching of the ground of nightmarish life events, depressive depths of feeling, and silent conversations between people. Merklein’s works are always personal, but not necessarily autobiographical. While her body-political works are mostly loud, garish, and brash, her quieter works often reveal a delicate and poetic (written) language. Her artistic strategy consists in capturing inexpressible personal, social or political problems and events humorously to painfully – in image and text. Food is always part of her work – in performances, on paper, photographs, and even breadcrumbs on her t-shirt bear witness to this. An earlier cycle of work (2006-2012) dealt with the theme of “performance art and its documentation”.